COVID-19 updates part 2 - the vaccine
The vaccines are highly effective and have a good safety profile. We need as many adults as possible to get vaccinated to protect those most vulnerable
COVID-19 updates part 1 - the new variant
I want to try and make sense of the current COVID-19 situation for people out there who might be confused, scared, isolated or curious.
Checking in after six weeks of lockdown
Working patterns have changed and I think a lot has changed for the better. We have virtualised all our meetings where we could. We did it early and it has worked really well. Dare I say communication in the team is better than before?
Planning for our patients
We are here to help and keep you safe. We will do our very best.
An extraordinary day
An ordinary Thursday, yet today was extraordinary. A morning of planning, an afternoon of clinic. A hospital full of life, full of activity. Amidst the familiar routine something subtle has shifted. But it is there, noted in all the little interactions.
Going about daily life in a time of uncertainty
My job, my duty, my role. I am a doctor; a gastroenterologist; an IBD physician. My duty is to my patients, our patients, all our patients. And to my colleagues, not just medical but all the multi-disciplinary team. Everyone is looking for answers, for guidance for leadership.
Starting a daily blog in a time of uncertainty
For people living with IBD I would like to reiterate my important message posted last week. Please continue to take your medicines. The biggest risk of picking up an infection of any kind is having active disease, or the steroids used to treat a flare.